Hello friends, we are presenting here the best quality December 2023 excel calendar templates. so, if you are looking for December 2023 calendar excel format then you have visited a right page. Because this page will complete your need of December excel calendar template. you can use Calendar-Edu‘s December calendar excel formats in many ways.
Download December 2023 Excel/ Google Sheet Calendar Templates for Free
There are many benefits of planning this December month in advance, using Calendar-Edu’s December 2023 excel calendar templates. If you want to schedule your time using December 2023 calendar Excel format, Download our Excel/ Google sheet calendar now.

About Calendar Edu’s December Excel/ Google Sheet Calendar Templates
Following are the specifications of our December 2023 excel/ google sheet calendar templates.
December 2023 Excel Calendar Templates- 1 Specifications:
File type: .XLSX
Supported applications: Zoho Spreadsheet, MS Excel, Google Sheets, Libre Office
Font family: Arial
Font Size: 14
Background Color: White
Space Provided for Notes: Yes
December 2023 Excel Calendar Templates- 2 Specifications:
File type: .XLSX
Font family: Courier New
Supported applications: Libre Office, MS Excel, Google Sheets, Zoho Spreadsheet
Font Size: 14
Background Color: Dark Green
Space Provided for Notes: Yes
December 2023 Excel Calendar Templates- 3 Specifications:
Font family: EB Garamond
File type: .XLSX
Font Size: 14
Supported applications: MS Excel, Libre Office, Zoho Spreadsheet, Google Sheets
Background Color: Blue
Space Provided for Notes: Yes
December 2023 Excel Calendar Templates- 4 Specifications:
Font family: Comic Sans MS
Space Provided for Notes: Yes
Font Size: 14
File type: .XLSX
Background Color: Gray
Supported applications: MS Excel, Zoho Spreadsheet, Google Sheets, Libre Office
Space Provided for Notes: Yes
There are many important dates in December 2023 month that you should not forget. some of them are mentioned below.
December 15 is celebrated as Bill of Rights Day in the United States. It’s an annual holiday that commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Bill of Rights Day celebrates the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
The siege of Bastogne was an engagement in December 1944 between American and German forces at the Belgian town of Bastogne, as part of the larger Battle of the Bulge. the Bastogne Day is observed in December month each year.
There are many more important dates in December 2023 calendar excel format. so, download our December month excel calendar and mention your important dates on it, so that you do not forget them.
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