Hello guys, we are going to provide you here the best January 2024 calendar printable templates in various format. You can get here the January calendar printable templates in blank, landscape, Portrait, PDF, Word/ Doc, Excel/ Google Sheet, notes & with holiday Format.
You can also find here the January printable calendar holidays in the bottom of this post in a Holiday table.
So, This January calendar template is going to very useful for you to see the day and dates, manage your whole January month and in the advance planning of holidays.
The main attractive point is that these January blank Calendar with notes are free of cost. you do not need to pay anything for these calendars. These January monthly calendars are absolutely free.
Download Year 2024 One Page Calendar Templates in High Quality
Free January Printable Calendar 2024
If we talk about Julian and Gregorian calendars, January is the first month of the year. January contains 31 days. As we all know that there are 7 Months that have 31 days, and the January is first of them. We celebrate the 1st day of January as new year day.
If we talk about weather, In Northern hemisphere, it is almost the coldest day of winter season and In Southern hemisphere, It is almost the most worm day of the summer season.
This is the main reason for the so much versatility in the type of celebration of new year all around the world. Some people love to go on beach and some people like to have a born fire party on new year.
January 2024 Calendar with Notes Download
This is very interesting fact, very few might know about it that the first day of January is always same as the first day of October in a normal year but in a leap year, the first day of January is same as the first day of April and July month.
In the Year 2024 printable Calendar template, the first day of January is Friday and the last day of January calendar is Sunday.
As the year 2024 is a normal year so can say that the first day of January is Friday so the first day of October will also be Friday.
We are providing here the best quality January 2024 calendar printable templates for free of cost. Download it and use it for your time management purpose.
January 2024 Monthly Calendar Templates
We are going to provide some interesting information about January month, we hope that you will like this January calendar facts.
January Birthstone: “Garnet” is the birthstone of January month. It is well known that Garnet stone provides constancy in life. so if you are January born person, You can use garnet stone in a ring to get constancy in your life.
January Flower: Galanthus and Pink Dianthus are the beautiful flowers for the month of January. This flower are very attractive as the January month is.
January zodiac signs: January is very special month as it is the first month of our calendar. The January Born are decided in two part for zodiac sign. For the Year 2024, If you are born between 1 January to 18 January then your zodiac sign will be Capricorn. If you are born between January 19 to January 31 then your zodiac sign will be Aquarius.
January Full Moon: the full moon of January is very famous because It is also know as Wolf moon.
There are the January blank calendar printable templates in landscape format. These templates are in HD Quality. The printout of these printable January calendars will be very clear and visible.
the download process of these January calendar templates with note templates are very easy. Just right click on the calendar files and you will see the save option to save the file in your device.
January 2024 Blank Calendar Printable
January 2024 calendar printable templates can be very useful in this new year. We all start our new year with a lot of hope and Joy.
You can make the January month very successful for yourself by using our Printable January Calendar as a time management tools. These calendars can be very useful in you time management.
You can download our calendar for January month and plan each day of the month in advance.
Write down all your important works of January month and all the deadlines over the January Month Calendar with notes and affix it in your office place, your bedroom etc. It will surely help you in your January targets.
January 2024 Calendar Templates In PDF, Word and Excel Format
In this section, we are providing here the January Printable calendar templates in PDF, Word and Excel format.
You can also open this January Excel calendar in Google sheets and January Word calendar in Google Doc. The download process of these PDF, Word and Excel calendars is very easy, you just need to click on the download button and the calendar file will be saved in your electronic device.
You can open the PDF Format 2024 January calendar with adobe reader and google chrome or any web browser.
January 2024 Month Calendar with Notes in PDF Format
January 2024 Calendar Template with Note in Word Format
January Month Calendar with Notes in Excel Format
January 2024 Calendar With Holidays & Events

January is the month of happiness and Joy because it is the first month of the year. the 1st day of January is celebrated as new year festival worldwide.
There are many festivals that increase the beauty of January month such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it will be celebrated on 20th of January (Third Monday) on the birthday of Martin Luther.
Martin Luther was the chief spokesperson in the nonviolence activism in civil rights movement. We are enlisting all festival in the month of January below.
Federal and public holidays in January 2024 in the United States
Here is a list of the federal and public holidays that will occur in January 2024 in the United States:
- January 1 – New Year’s Day (federal & public holiday)
Most public and private businesses closed. - January 15 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day (federal & public holiday)
Honors the birth date of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. - here is a list of some of the types of major public events that typically occur in the US during the month of January each year:
- New Year’s Eve events (December 31, 2023) – Fireworks displays, concerts, ball drops
- New Year’s Day events (January 1) – Parades (Rose Parade, Orange Bowl Parade), college football bowl games
- NFL Playoff games & Championships
- Winter festivals & fairs
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day events (January 15) – Marches, political events, community service events
- Sundance Film Festival (typically late January)
- Chinese New Year festivals & events
Public holidays in January 2024 across Europe
Here is a list of some of the major public holidays that will occur in January 2024 across Europe:
January 1: New Year’s Day
Public holiday in all European countries
January 6: Epiphany
Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain
January 7: Orthodox Christmas Day
Public holiday in Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine
January 13: Orthodox New Year
Belarus, Russia, Ukraine
January 19: Orthodox Epiphany Eve
January 20: Orthodox Epiphany
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania
Previous Month: December 2023 Calendar Templates Monthly
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